Hey Mamas!

Today we are learning today how you can tap into your Creative MOJO…that’s right!

How you can craft content that is going to convert in your online business, but how to do it more simply and seamlessly you have to spend less time doing multiple pieces of content and instead create one piece of great content. that you then re-purpose on all the platforms instead of showing up in all the places…while. feeling scattered and overwhelmed.

Doesn’t it sound so much better and more simple to just repurpose?!

So in today’s episode you are going to learn my simple strategy for  repurposing your content and creating STELLAR content and how to stay on brand and ultimately creating more leads for your business!

Okay! So are you excited because I know I am excited to share so lets dig in!


Today I share with you craft content that converts without losing your creative mojo. I also give you ideas for posting and remind you to constantly speak to your avatar when crafting content.

And of course I teach you all my hacks for re purposing your content to save you time so you can work smarter not harder.


One of my fave tools is trello-check it out at www.trello.com this isn’t an affiliate link I just love this free tool!


Also, this is such a fun topic and I truly enjoy training on creating content and getting your creative mojo flowing; which, means that I have multiple trainings in my group on content creation as well as how I use Trello for content creation as well….so after you listen and are loving this episode jump in my group MORE to Motherhood full mompreneurs just like yourself to get more juicy trainings and tips on creating stellar content! See you in the group! Click here to join!


Connect with me:

Learn- MORE to Motherhood Method

Connect - [email protected]

Community - MORE to Motherhood Community

Work with Krystan - [email protected]

Instagram - @moretomotherhood