Hey Mama!

Welcome back!

In this episode we will be going through the business branding basics that you need know when it comes to starting or fine tuning your online business. You gotta know who you are talking to, why it matters and what your solutions are and ultimately what your platform is going to be so that you can have more success…you are going to love this episode!


You will be able to uncover your MORE to Motherhood -your passion or business if you don’t already have one and then we break down step by step how to create your standout online brand for your business. We discuss attracting and serving your ideal audience or avatar as well as what platform to show up on Social Media.


This is absolutely one of my favorite topics to talk about! So, grab a pen and paper and let’s have some fun!


Also, don’t forget  to grab my branding workbook which has all the questions you need to answer to come up with an amazing standout brand that is authentic to you! So jump on into my group and grab it- it is located in the files tab… the link is MORE to Motherhood Community


Also happening right now is my 5 day free masterclass that will also give you live trainings with me to develop your brand and and you can ask me questions LIVE in the group! See you in there! MORE to Motherhood Community