Welcome back!

Today we are going to talk about what is holding  you back from rising to your full potential and keeping you from achieving those big audacious dreams! 


Maybe the mom-guilt is holding you back or maybe you are afraid of what others will think of you, that fear of judgement or analysis paralysis keeping you stuck?  Listen, whatever is holding you back we are going to smash through those beliefs today - because you have permission to RISE!


Honestly, no matter what your limiting belief is, or what is holding you back …you CAN overcome it! And that’s what we will do in today’s episode with a little strategy, tough love and motivation you will walk away from this episode knowing how to navigate the setbacks and limiting beliefs that creep in.


I also give a little homework in this episode.  Be ready to grab a pen and paper and take inventory of what is holding you back with honesty and without judgement.  I felt like I was forced into this mindset, but you are here willingly (You GO girl!!!). 

Once you’ve completed your HW, come on over and share them in our Facebook community (bit.ly/MOREtomotherhood) with other empowered mamas who will lift you up and cheer you on!


P.S. Bonus 5 day EFT tapping and Manifestation Masterclass replay in still up in the group! Just another tool to help you bust through your limiting beliefs and SCALE! Let's do this! 


Meet you in the group - > bit.ly/moretomotherhood