What does prosperity mean to you? It's wildly different for all of us. I have come to learn, especially through the study of Human Design and the Gene Keys that we are designed so specifically and we're all not designed for the same type or definition of prosperity. In fact, it is incredibly personal.


We live in a time where we're shown what the definition of prosperity is on Instagram and Facebook and through others that are sharing how to make money online. And in reality, it's so important to get really clear on what prosperity means to you.


So stay tuned because in this episode, I'm going to share what it means to me. I'm also going to share with you how you can work on your definition of prosperity, and start to understand how you are specifically designed to live a prosperous life!


I'm hosting a masterclass on prosperity starting on April 29th! I'll show you how you are specifically designed to fulfill your perfect self-expression to create health, wealth, and happiness -- the framework for prosperity, and how your Human Design and your Gene Keys can really reveal to you your path to prosperity. Register for free at julieciardi.com/prosperity