In this episode I'm sharing about what the difference in my personal growth and development has been since studying books like Think & Grow Rich and studying with Bob Proctor to now being in a really incredible certification process for Human Design for Business. When I tell you it has been life changing, I'm not exaggerating!


Take a listen as I dive deeper into six areas of Human Design that I'm obsessed with to help know myself and my clients better. I'm talking being able to pin poin paradigms that are holding you back, why you're stuck in the Knowing-Doing Gap, and what exactly could be causing your fear or lack of confidence. 


I also share where I see things shifting and being able to go underneath the surface to have precision coaching based by design. 


If you want a more in depth look at the upcoming trends for 2024 and beyond and how you can start incorporating Human Design into your life and business,  I would love to invite you to get my free ebook and my three part private podcast called The New Era of Coaching. 


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