Explore our current offers at www.igniteherbrand.com. How do you feel after crushing a goal? Oftentimes I find that I’m super happy in the moment, but then I’m already headed onto the next big thing... Until I learned that the joy comes from the journey! Setting goals is a great way to create your roadmap to success, but focusing too heavily on the end results can actually hold you back from experiencing happiness along the way. ✨


In today's episode, I’m chatting with Allyson Scammell, a master intuitive coach, psychic medium, and energy healer. Her mission is to help soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs to upgrade their energy frequency to gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. 🔥


During our conversation, we reveal why the act of chasing your goals is not a real source of joy and fulfillment — and how to tap into the happiness that you dream of for tomorrow TODAY! 🙌


You’ll discover:
⭐ The identity work that can help you heal when your ways of being are no longer serving you
⭐ How to practice self-compassion during the challenging early years of your business
⭐ Self-work tools that can help you heal (and why the tools you use will evolve as you grow!)


Connect with Allyson
Visit her website: https://allysonscammell.com/
Follow along on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulguidecircle/
Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allysonscammell/


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