An Ignite U student SPOTLIGHT!!


Kara Trochta is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, busy mom of 3 and former binge

eater turned food therapist and eating coach. Kara spent years calculating calories,

painfully trying to eat perfectly to achieve the ideal standard of health only to fall into

the despair of emotionally binge eating and failing time and time again until she was

miserable with the whole process and couldn’t find the beauty in the woman she saw

in the mirror.


She realized that if she was struggling with eating this much that many other women

had to be experiencing the same agony, frustration and confusion. She knew she had

to do something about the eating chaos that sends women into a seemingly never-

ending struggle between their food choices and their worth as a person because after

all, you can’t hate yourself to happy or healthy.


Kara launched a private practice that specializes in helping women create a

relationship with eating and nutrition they can actually stick to that is stress-free,

guilt-free, healthy and satisfying even if they’ve struggled with feeling out of control

when it comes to eating or food for years.


She’s passionate about women being able to live a healthy and happy life where they

feel good in their own skin and know they are worthy of great things in life regardless

of a number on a scale or a pair of jeans.


Learn more about Kara: 


Link for Eat, Drink & Be Merry workshop. Code IGNITE for $10 off.


Link to join my facebook group.




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