We follow up on Robin Senior's blog post on optimizing apps for the Apple Watch. We briefing talk about the ResearchKit tutorial on raywenderlich.com as well as great episode of Release Notes that every developer should listen to. The latest beta of Yosemite, 10.10.4, has reinstated mDNSResponder as a replacement to the disastrous discoveryd. We discuss the announced preview of a native Apple Watch SDK at WWDC and speculate about the new items to be introduced. We list off what we'd like to see fixed with iOS 9, framework & layout issues, iPad Pro and dual boot machines. We discuss Google IO 2015 with Google Pay.

 Episode 41 Show Notes:

Reducing WatchKit Traffic With View Models

Release Notes interview with Michael Simmons Part 2

Fanstastical 2

ResearchKit Tutorial with Swift: Getting Started

Quebec man ticketed for driving while using apple watch

Toronto Argos

Live Blog: Apple Senior VP of Operations Jeff Williams interview at Code Conference

WWDC App for iOS

Halo Back: World's First Smart Screen Protector

Microsoft's Surface sales are on the upswing once again

Google I/O 2015

Craig Hockenberry

Episode 41 Picks:

Paw Rest Client

Carbo - Handwriting in the Digital Age

WatchKit By Tutorials (updated for Swift 1.2)

We follow up on Robin Senior's blog post on optimizing apps for the Apple Watch. We briefing talk about the ResearchKit tutorial on raywenderlich.com as well as great episode of Release Notes that every developer should listen to. The latest beta of Yosemite, 10.10.4, has reinstated mDNSResponder as a replacement to the disastrous discoveryd. We discuss the announced preview of a native Apple Watch SDK at WWDC and speculate about the new items to be introduced. We list off what we'd like to see fixed with iOS 9, framework & layout issues, iPad Pro and dual boot machines. We discuss Google IO 2015 with Google Pay.

 Episode 41 Show Notes:

Reducing WatchKit Traffic With View Models

Release Notes interview with Michael Simmons Part 2

Fanstastical 2

ResearchKit Tutorial with Swift: Getting Started

Quebec man ticketed for driving while using apple watch

Toronto Argos

Live Blog: Apple Senior VP of Operations Jeff Williams interview at Code Conference

WWDC App for iOS

Halo Back: World's First Smart Screen Protector

Microsoft's Surface sales are on the upswing once again

Google I/O 2015

Craig Hockenberry

Episode 41 Picks:

Paw Rest Client

Carbo - Handwriting in the Digital Age

WatchKit By Tutorials (updated for Swift 1.2)

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