In this interview, Annie, who is leveraging the law of attraction to create the life of her dreams and manifest money, shares her most recent growth in the area of love with manifesting coach Cassie Parks. In this episode, we discuss:

Leveraging your future self to think new thoughts
Choosing to be abundant
How life is more fun, with way less worry
An increased capacity for seeing beauty, especially in sunsets
Excellent relationships with family, friends, and co-workers
Dating someone
Trusting herself
Deeper connections because she’s not worried 
Having an old friend recognize her growth
Celebrating with other people who speak your language
Seeing her glass ceiling for happiness and opening it up.
She wishes she had done a brain scan at the beginning to see the difference now
Seeing her son as an independent, thriving human
How when you show up holding the vision of a thriving you, you can’t mess up the details

Listen to hear all the juicy details.

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