The interview starts with a celebration. 

Cassie explains how she used to think of it as “graduation” but it’s more like continuation because the work keeps going. You never graduate from this work. (In the best way possible)

Cassie asks Vicki her thoughts on if she would just graduate and be done with the work?

Vicki shares,

Absolutely not, this is too fun and too juicy

Isn’t it human nature to always desire growth and depth further than what you’ve experienced?

Cassie asks Vicki her Money Manifested total

Vicki shares,


Cassie asks Vicki what her former Money Story was and to describe how it was playing out in her life.

Vicki shares,

Former story was Survival

Vicious cycle of Panic, Above water, Overspending/doing/giving, Panic, etc.

Money: having enough, overspending, overdrafting my account or getting a huge bill, absolute melt down / panic, back to square one of just enough, and repeat.

Not money related: performing in a million shows back to back to back, then burning out and hating it.

Relationships: being ok in a relationship, then big big drama, then ok just pushing through, then big big drama, over and over again.

Cassie asks Vicki what her current money story is and how that shows up in her life

Vicki shares,

Powerful Creator

When I say powerful, it means I am intentionally creating things, money as well as an amazing life.

Money: I have spent the last 5 years creating this powerful momentum of creation. I’m on a roll welcoming in more and more money, more and more easily

Relationships: I powerfully created and stepped into this relationship of my dreams! Powerfully, easily creating the wedding of my dreams too

Life: I created this life of ease, so less drama and bs

Cassie asks her to share the three ways money showed up that surprised her the most.

Vicki answers…

Getting hired to direct Winnie the Pooh this winter. The job was good money, but they gave me a pay range and I was open to any of it, because it was all manifested, but when I sat down for our first meeting, the artistic director was very adamant about paying me the highest end of the range.

First year with ELU - getting inspired to do my taxes, expecting to owe a BUNCH of money, but then getting PAID the amount I thought I would owe

Huge tip - working at a serving job, I was going about my thing, someone pulled me aside to tell me I had the jackpot family at my table. They always tip BIG, and sure enough, they tipped HUGE. More from one table than the rest of the tips that night combined! This was my first week on the job, too!

Cassie asks: 5 years ago, what did you think it meant to “manifest money”?

Vicki shares

Checks in the mail

People handing me money

Lots of work and focus


Check back next week to hear more about Vicki’s 5 years of manifesting success with EnchantedLifeU and everything she’s learned over that time!


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TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

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