What is culture?  Do you think we have a common, national culture?


It’s complicated…


Culture is an amalgamation of ideas, histories, life experiences and many other things.  Every culture has subcultures, and the more connected we become the more culture becomes dispersed.

This is a challenge for many as we look to define what our common culture is and could be. 

In this conversation with Ashwin, we talk deeply about what that looks like.  And we dig in on some ideas that could easily be chalked up to biases and prejudices.  But, with listening and deep questioning, we really understand where the ideas come from.

Not just base them on the comments made. 




Today we are with Ashwin Chacko.  Ashwin is a multi-disciplined illustrator, designer & hand-letterer, working and living in Dublin. He develops and designs conceptual illustrations for advertising campaigns, products, packaging, editorials, children’s books and one off commissions from around the world.

He has published 3 books, "Little Optimist", "Keep At It", and the Children's book "What wondrous Shapes We Are". 

His style is influenced by contemporary culture and is rooted in his love for music, comics, tattoos and street art. He loves telling stories, and is interested in uncovering the social interactions that drive culture.  

He seeks to capture these moments in bold lines & shapes.  His compositions focuses on a strong use of characters intermingled with typography and patterns. He aims to help brands bring people together through the stories embedded in his illustrations.



Topics we discuss:

Listening and Asking questions as key to navigating conversation
Culture and what shapes culture
Current cultural norms and changes
Representation in the arts
Telling Stories
Making choices



Ashwin's Books
Ashwin's Website
Jordan Peterson (YouTube)




Lead editor + Producer: Ruf Holmes



Main Theme: "Eaze Does It" by Shye Eaze and DJ Rufbeats, a More In Common Podcast Exclusive.

All music created by DJ Rufbeats