“As an entrepreneur, you have to be very comfortable being uncomfortable.” - Ed Petersen


Ed Petersen is a seasoned entrepreneur who’s known Naveen for decades, as a business partner and a friend. Now, his Moonshot is to build a revolutionary company that helps people all around the world; and he’s executing on it! This episode is a brilliant case study on building a scalable brand.


This episode is packed with lessons, including:

As a disruptor, never be afraid to ask every single question you have The car repair industry is RIPE for disruption; wouldn’t you like to have a mechanic come to your house to fix your car? What Ed values in customer experience: brand consistency, quality, and trust Imagine AI being able to diagnose your car’s issues… without anyone actually having to look at your vehicle. That’s just part of the future Naveen and Ed discuss How do you build a successful—and happy—team? Ed’s real-world advice for raising capital to scale your venture 


Connect with Ed on LinkedIn, or via email at [email protected]

And be sure to check out Wrench.com, or download the Wrench app on the Apple Store or Google Play - it’s the quickest, most convenient solution for your car care! (Think of it as the Grubhub of car mechanics.)


Episode References:

Madrona Venture Group


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Connect with Naveen on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @naveenjainceo. You can check out his YouTube channel and website, too!


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