PROJECT AUDION 4 - Gunsmoke: "The Guitar"

Premiered Jun 12, 2020

Project Audion presents a recreation of the vintage radio show Gunsmoke. Gunsmoke, one of the classic "adult Westerns", had a ten-year run on radio and an astounding 20+ years on television. This early episode, "The Guitar", originally aired December 26, 1953 and was later remade on both the television and radio series. A simple man with an unexpected talent is taunted by town bullies, with tragic results.

Project Audion is a collaboration of radio theatre actors from across North America recording OTR shows live via Zoom. This Audion episode features the talents of

Dennis Thompson in Colorado,

Doug Fain in Kentucky,

Paul Arbisi in Illinois,

Dan Keenan in Colorado,

Norman Cline in Kentucky,

Pete Lutz in Texas,

Denise Cline in Kentucky,

Dick Huitema in Florida,

Tim Burns in Kansas,

Darren Rockhold in Illinois, and

Larry Groebe in Texas.

Doug Fain directed and Larry Groebe produced it.