CWs: death, imminent alien threat, depths of space, discussion of events of 2020, alcohol use, impersonation.

This issue was played using Connection Lost by Tobie Abad. Connection Lost can be found in the You and I: Roleplaying Games for Two Anthology, which can be found on Drivethru RPG. Cleo was played by Nerissa Hart. Nerissa Hart (she/they) is an actor, multidisciplinary theatre artist, and streamer based in the DC Metro Region. Nerissa has tackled roles on screen and onstage, in production, writing, and in voiceover. The webseries pilot, Versus, that they wrote, created, and cast was also the recipient of an Official Honoree award in the 2015 Webby Awards and received three Cinema in Industry Awards for best pilot, best direction, and best writing. Nerissa has also become increasingly popular on twitch as RUBIEHART. Nerissa has held the title of "fastest fem in the world" of the game for a year running and has played the game as quickly as possible for widely broadcast charity benefit marathons such as Games Done Quick's Fleet Fatales, The Decent Speedies, and Flynn Stock (with more marathons to come!)

Francis was played by T. Huth.

The music in this issue was a ukulele improvisation by Nerissa Hart.