CW: drowning, alcohol, body horror, mention of sex, mention of transphobia

A past you want to run from. A hotel you can never leave.

Mincemeat “Terry” Jackson was played by Lilith. Lilith, she/her, is a creature of the internet who likes to have fun and make podcasts. You can find her on her heavy metal actual play show Ghostpuncher Corps and on Diet Coke and Lilith’s House of Snax.

Cody was played by Jacob Cordas. Jacob, he/him or they/them, is a professional GM who is currently ranked top 20 GMs on StartPlaying. They write for numerous projects including criticism for, comedy pieces for Cheesy Gordita Bunch, and is the headwriter for an upcoming sketch show, Young American News. They have also performed in numerous short films and stage shows, including most recently with The Wit’s Shakesbeer Southwest, a drunken Shakespeare troupe. Finally they have also worked in politics, having organized for One Fair Wage and running the field program for Francisco Moya’s re-election campaign. You can reach them on their Twitter, @Jacweasel, to talk about creative projects or leftism.

Angelica was played by Fabby Garza. Fabby is a games writer, podcaster, sensitivity consultant and the cutest bear girl in the world. She can be found at @fabby_garza on twitter and as a cast member in Eidolon Playtest. 


This game was played using You Can Check Out Anytime You Like (But You Can Never Leave) by Marn S. You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave is a game for 3+ people, and a surreal horror-flavored hack of Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands by Meguey & Vincent Baker.This game is available at Marn S., she/her, is a creator of LGBTQ web serials and many, many tabletop games. You can find her writing work on Card Zero Press.  You can follow her on Twitter at @corpserevivers.

The music in this issue is Unpromised by Kevin MacLeod

