How people are buying virtual real estate in the metaverse. I’ll speak with finance reporter Stephanie Hughes to tell us how it works. Financial planning for believers in cryonics.  Lawyer Mark House has some ideas to make grocery money available when you unthaw in the year 2222. And, how to prepare for possible job loss. Hermie Abraham from Advocation has tips for those 50 plus.  Then, retiring in the comfort of your own home. Yvonne Ziomecki from HomeEquity Bank talks about financial solutions to help you age in place. Plus, a new Toronto startup helping renters get into the real estate market. Cofounders  Rob Richards and Daniel Dubois tell us about Key.

To find out more about the guests check out:

Hermie Abraham: Twitter | Facebook
Yvonne Ziomecki: Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook
HomeEquity Bank: Facebook
Key: | Facebook | Twitter
Mark House:
Stephanie Hughes: YouTube | Twitter | Instagram

Bruce Sellery is a personal finance expert and best-selling author. As the founder of Moolala and the CEO of Credit Canada, Bruce is on a mission to help you get a better handle on your money so you can live the life you want. High energy & low B.S., this is Moolala: Money Made Simple.

Find Bruce Sellery at | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

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