Blake and Karen discuss some recent werewolf projects, and what to do with all this research material accrued since this project started in 2011. 

Wolf-related MonsterTalk (previous episodes) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Jay Smith’s historical research on hyenas and French wolf attacks. (Behind a paywall, but you may be able to get free access at your local public or university libraries. Be sure and check with a librarian.)

Scott Lilienfeld (et al) book on Psychology Myths mentioned regarding full moon

The Werewolf of Livonia

Blake's Werewolf Bibliography

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Blake and Karen discuss some recent werewolf projects, and what to do with all this research material accrued since this project started in 2011. 

Wolf-related MonsterTalk (previous episodes) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Jay Smith’s historical research on hyenas and French wolf attacks. (Behind a paywall, but you may be able to get free access at your local public or university libraries. Be sure and check with a librarian.)

Scott Lilienfeld (et al) book on Psychology Myths mentioned regarding full moon
The Werewolf of Livonia
Blake's Werewolf Bibliography

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