Hello! This is a new podcast from your two favorite podcasters: Chris and Jeremy. We created this to have a place to put all of our coverage of ~spooooOOOOOkkyyy media, starting with a Patreon (https://patreon.com/monsteroftheweek) request: the Haunting of Hill House. Nope, not the book, but the recent Netflix series. In this episode, we cover the first two episodes of this fantastic adaptation. We're taking a different approach than we usually do, so be sure to let us know on Twitter (https://twitter.com/motwcast) if you like this episode.
A general content warning should be issued here: the show covers a lot of topics that can be triggering for folks: mental illness, suicide, drug addiction...the list is pretty long. We're going to be talking about these topics on the podcast during the course of the series, and we will do our best to treat them with the respect they deserve.
Thanks to Liam (https://twitter.com/liam_d_mccann) for the podcast intro and outro music. Liam is a musician (https://deadmansspelling.bandcamp.com/) and all around cool person, and refused to take payment for these tunes, suggesting we instead donate to Futures Without Violence, a charity in the US that works against violence towards women and children. If you'd like to donate as well, you can do so using this link (https://secure3.convio.net/fvpf/site/Donation2;jsessionid=E32F1D0DF93968309A35276DABCAF981.app317d?idb=450608905&df_id=1862&1862.donation=form1).
As always, we like to release the first episodes of these publicly, and the rest of the series will be exclusive to our Patreon members (https://patreon.com/monsteroftheweek). Join for $1/mo to access tons of podcasts, or join at a higher tier to suggest something for us to cover!

Hello! This is a new podcast from your two favorite podcasters: Chris and Jeremy. We created this to have a place to put all of our coverage of ~spooooOOOOOkkyyy media, starting with a Patreon request: the Haunting of Hill House. Nope, not the book, but the recent Netflix series. In this episode, we cover the first two episodes of this fantastic adaptation. We're taking a different approach than we usually do, so be sure to let us know on Twitter if you like this episode.

A general content warning should be issued here: the show covers a lot of topics that can be triggering for folks: mental illness, suicide, drug addiction...the list is pretty long. We're going to be talking about these topics on the podcast during the course of the series, and we will do our best to treat them with the respect they deserve.

Thanks to Liam for the podcast intro and outro music. Liam is a musician and all around cool person, and refused to take payment for these tunes, suggesting we instead donate to Futures Without Violence, a charity in the US that works against violence towards women and children. If you'd like to donate as well, you can do so using this link.

As always, we like to release the first episodes of these publicly, and the rest of the series will be exclusive to our Patreon members. Join for $1/mo to access tons of podcasts, or join at a higher tier to suggest something for us to cover!

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