Chris and Jeremy continue their S3 coverage, and this week it's a wide swing of episodes. We start out with the fantastic "Bad Day at Black Rock", in which Sam loses a shoe and Dean loses $15,000. The we get into "Sin City," which is an ok episode that features one tragically underused guest. Finally, it's "Bedtime Stories" and frankly, the less said about that episode the better. Be sure to check out Monster of the Week Dot Cool ( for all your hunky needs.

Chris and Jeremy continue their S3 coverage, and this week it's a wide swing of episodes. We start out with the fantastic "Bad Day at Black Rock", in which Sam loses a shoe and Dean loses $15,000. The we get into "Sin City," which is an ok episode that features one tragically underused guest. Finally, it's "Bedtime Stories" and frankly, the less said about that episode the better. Be sure to check out Monster of the Week Dot Cool for all your hunky needs.

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Urban Dictionary: bantStargate (1994) - IMDb