One of the most important things in life is Money. It's what we use to pay for everything from our homes to our food and clothes. But does it love you? Does it care about your happiness as much as you do? 

Our guest, Morgana Rae, is an international #1 best-selling author and mentor coach. Her groundbreaking approach to love-centered wealth building has featured her on The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, all the major television networks, Coast to Coast Radio and hundreds more. Morgana's fans call her the "Money Goddess" because of the many documented stories of clients manifesting unexpected income. A pioneer in personal development for over 27 years, Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to empower idealistic entrepreneurs, artists, healers, and humanitarians to impact the world significantly… and heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money.

Bob and Morgana's conversation includes:

[3:07] Having money repelling superpowers.
[6:33] Change happens at the speed of safety.
[11:57] Millionaire heartset vs mindset.
[13:30] Root cause of money worries is never about money.
[15:42] Facing your money monster.
[26:28] If your Money was a person, who would your money honey be?

Transform your relationship with money and visit and learn where you are with your relationship with money. Make more money by putting love first.

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