Do you ever get that feeling that everyone else around you has their life together? Did they learn something that you didn't? Did they get the memo, and you didn't?

Yemi Penn is an author, documentary producer, speaker, engineer, and fearless thought leader. A tireless advocate for self-empowerment and guiding others to create their own memo, Yemi is a global businesswoman dedicated to raising awareness on worldly issues, daring humanity to act on creating a just world. 
With qualifications ranging from project management to neuro-linguistic programming, and methods taught to her personally by Jack Canfield and Tony Robbins, Yemi Penn helps transmute pain to power.

Yemi's short documentary, Did I Choose My Trauma, follows her experience of childhood abuse into adulthood. This powerful documentary shines a light on an often taboo subject, reinforcing the notion that we can transform it if we can name our trauma.

Yemi and I explore how financial successes & failures can be impacted by unresolved trauma.

Check out Yemi's book, Did You Get The Memo? Because I F***ing Didn't. She shares intimate and poignant parts of her life that show her trying to follow the memo, catastrophically deviating from it, beating herself up when she did, and then having the bravery to face the fear, tackle conformity, and challenge convention.

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