Amid controversy over new tariffs on aluminum and steel, the president’s chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn announced his resignation from the White House. His departure — the latest in a string of recent, high-profile exits from the Trump administration — leaves many unanswered questions about how the president will handle trade policy going forward.

Former president and chief operating officer at Goldman Sachs, Cohn was a veteran of Wall Street who many in the financial world saw as one of their own, a rational voice on economic issues and a "stabilizing influence" in the administration. He was also a proponent of free trade, disagreeing with many of President Trump's protectionist policies.

With his exit, where does the Trump economic agenda go from here and what can we expect from the administration? This week on Money Talking, Charlie Herman speaks with Megan McArdle, a columnist for The Washington Post, and Rick Newman, columnist for Yahoo Finance.

Trade Wars: Return of the Tariffs