Martin Shkreli is often described as the "most hated man in America” for raising the price of a lifesaving drug by 5,000%, earning him the nickname "Pharma bro."

Shkreli said his pharmaceutical company raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 a pill to $750 in order to spend that money on research for an alternative drug, a claim which medical experts widely derided.

Now, Shkreli is back in the news and on trial for securities fraud, and while others in his situation might sit quietly and await the verdict, that's not what Shkreli is doing. He can't help himself from making even more attention grabbing headlines

This week on Money Talking, Host Charlie Herman talks with Renae Merle, a Wall Street and white collar crime reporter for the Washington Post, and Sheelah Kolhatkar, staff writer for the The New Yorker and author of Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street about Shkreli’s case and what it could say about the prosecution of white collar crimes.

Martin Shkreli is often described as the “most hated man in America” for raising the price of a lifesaving drug by 5,000%. Now, he’s on trial for securities fraud. WNYC’s Money Talking looks at Shkreli’s case and what it says about the prosecution of white collar crimes.

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