There was a lot of excitement about Snapchat’s parent company going public yesterday, but not everything's rosy in Silicon Valley.

Uber has been facing a string of problems: drivers and users protesting the CEO's membership in an advisory group counseling President Trump, claims of sexual harassment, and allegations Uber stole self-driving technology from Google. 

And then just this week, a daschcam video showed Uber CEO Travis Kalanick getting into an argument with Fawzi Kamel, an Uber Black driver who confronted the CEO for dropping prices and leaving workers like him out to dry. It didn’t end well.

This Week on Money Talking, Sheelah Kolhatkar of The New Yorker and Joe Nocera of Bloomberg View look at where the company and its CEO stand, and whether they can drive through the storm.



From claims of sexual harassment to allegations it stole self-driving technology, the company and its CEO are having a tough couple of months.  

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