7 Questions to Ask Yourself During Retirement Planning. Money Not Math 123

Have you determined if you are prepared for retirement?

Have you asked yourself these seven questions about your retirement plan? Have you found answers to these seven questions?

Would it be helpful to have a professional help you build, implement, and maintain your retirement plan?

“Many people are living longer, which means your retirement could last for decades. But that doesn’t mean you should start planning later. Developing a thoughtful plan can help you have a positive experience in retirement.”

“Everybody's assumption is you spend less in retirement,” Gondeck says. “The reality is you spend 20% to 25% more, because you have more time to spend.”

Article referenced, https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/aging/articles/questions-to-ask-yourself-during-retirement-planning

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Disclaimer, this content is not legal, tax, or investment advice. You should always consult a qualified professional regarding your personal situation.