Are Your Ready to Discover How to Light Up Your Stage by "Bringing Sexy Back" to Your Marriage?

Well, you definitely want to listen in today as we talk with SheroEntrepreneuer , Gail Crowder.

As you know I love, love, love discovering and speaking to brilliant, trailblazing women who are called to serve a need and fill a void and don't hesitate to answer the call to fill it. My guest today Gail Crowder is no exception.

You want to listen to this conversation if you are:

A Married Christian Woman Entrepreneur facing challenges in your marriage that are threatening success in your entrepreneurial endeavors
Looking for a way to rekindle the flames of love and intimacy in your marriage
Want to be inspired by the story of trail blazing women like Gail who are called to do something great (and not always accepted), so you can find the courage to do the same
Because, in this inspiring and informative 39 minute conversation, you'll discover:

3 practical and powerful ways to not only bring sexy back to your marriage, but success in all other areas of your life
The #1 thing you should absolutely do in your marriage to secure it's success
How you can join Gail's movement and attend her events to help you reignite the spark in your marriage and success in your life
Real talk, candid and practical advice on how to navigate the challenges in your marriage that are too taboo to discuss in traditional churches or christian women conferences
And so much more...