John Blank, chief equity strategist and chief economist for Zacks Investment Research, says that valuations are high, but that the Standard and Poor's 500 is buttressed against a downturn by its biggest members -- the famed FAANG stocks plus Microsoft and one or two others -- that have price/earnings ratios of higher than 25, higher than the index p/e of 20. 'We have never had seven companies make up a quarter of [the index],' Blank says, 'and we have never had those seven companies driving 25 or 30 percent annual earnings increases.' Also on the show, Ted Rossman of talks about back-to-school spending this year, and how more than one-third of all parents are feeling pressured to overspend this year, David Trainer of research firm New Constructs takes a bite of Beyond Meat and chews on the hot stock in the Danger Zone, and Tony Minopoli, president/chief investment officer at Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors makes his debut in the Market Call, talking stocks and stock-picking.