Brij Khurana, fixed income portfolio manager at Wellington Management, says he expects the Federal Reserve to pause in its rate hiking cycle at its meeting this week, though that doesn't mean there won't be another rate increase at the next meeting if conditions warrant it. And under current conditions, Khurana says he is frequently asked why to go with bonds when cash can generate nice returns in bank certificates of deposit, to which he notes that bond prices are cheap right now, making this an ideal time to consider lengthening maturities as the Fed is looking at moving to the next phase of the rate cycle. Also on the show, Greg McBride talks about the latest study showing that Americans know they need to save more for emergencies, but are actually saving less, particularly when inflation is factored in, Kyle Guske, investment analyst at New Constructs, puts a mutual fund whose manager has been a guest on the show many times, into "The Danger Zone," noting that it has a high preponderance of dangerous stocks, and Martin Leclerc, chief investment officer at Barrack Yard Advisors, goes looking for cash producers in the Money Life Market Call.