Simeon Hyman, global investment strategist at ProShares, says that the market's rocky start to 2022 has been built around headlines and not the underlying fundamentals, which means that investors should not be changing expectations. He believes that the combination of rising rates, higher-but-controlled inflation and solid economic underpinnings will result in a positive stock market going forward. He does note that investors will want to turn toward dividend stocks to protect against rising rates, but says they will want to avoid TIPS - inflation-protected Treasury bonds - because they don't perform as most people expect during rising-rate environments. Another guest talking inflation is economist Kamran Afshar, who runs the Kamran Afshar Data Analytics Center and uses modeling to help companies forecast and project business conditions, and he discusses how inflation is impacting different groups of people uniquely and that how much trouble it causes an individual turns out to be mostly a factor of the person's age. Also, Tom Lydon of revisits a fund that he made 'ETF of the Week' shortly after it opened a year ago, noting that it offers investors a rare ESG opportunity where they can invest in a hot market sector while also doing some good for a charity targeting America's number-one killer disease.