One of Susan’s speaking presentations is called Unrelenting Greed. In not one of her embezzlement cases has the embezzler truly been in need, in dire straits, from the spouse losing a job, or a sick child or anything requiring the money that was stolen. 

Most often the embezzler got themselves into trouble because of the image they wanted to live. Greed. Janice Janssen and Susan Gunn discuss this particular recent headline case, The Chrisley’s, in another episode of In The Embezzlement News. 

Episode Highlights

Todd’s Background  Todd and Julie Chrisley Found Guilty Tape and Glue Why stop now - Julie continues the fraud The Accountant  The IRS isn’t Stupid 


“They intended to defraud multiple banks by providing false information.” 

“They had physically cut and glued and taped the financial report together, not using photoshop.” 

“After all of that what does Todd do? He filed bankruptcy for $20 Million Dollars.” 

“Imagine that - Julie and Todd never paid the rent on the house they fraudulently rented.” 

“If you have an accountant encouraging fraud and being unethical, WALK AWAY.” 

“Defrauding the IRS is never a good idea, and yet it happens all the time.” 

“You need to make sure that your CPA’s, Hygienists, Dental Assistants etc are verified and that their licenses are still active.” 

“That is tax evasion, not lessening your tax burden - how stupid do you think the IRS is?”

“The network has a certain societal responsibility to change the titles - the Chrisleys do not know best.”

“Deposit all your patient payments, including cash.” 

“Remember your kids and anyone close to you, because they are watching and picking up what you do.” 


Links & Resources  

DOJ Press Release: The Indictment

DOJ Press Release: The Conviction

USA Network

Janice Janssen’s Website: (sign up for the newsletter)

GTS Phone:  844-664-4487

Susan’s Website:  (sign up for the newsletter)

SGS Phone:  888-994-3167

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