Monty Pelerin's background includes academic degrees from Duke University (AB), the University of Chicago (MBA) and Syracuse University (PhD) all in finance and economics. At Chicago, he was fortunate to have classes from Milton Friedman, George Stigler and Ronald Coase. He knew Merton Miller. All of these gentlemen subsequently became Nobel Laureates in Economics.

His early career was in the corporate world where he served as Chief Financial Officer for a few companies. Later in life he went back to school for the doctorate degree and then taught for about 10 years at the college and graduate level. He enjoyed the classroom, but disliked the bureaucracy and dealing with too many peers who were educated beyond their levels of competence. He retired early and have supported myself primarily as an investor.

Monty Pelerin is an avid reader, investor and reasonably decent golfer (or used to be). He was exposed to both Keynesian and Monetarist economics in formal training and became an Austrian economist on my own. In his opinion, it is the only "school" of economics that makes any sense.

In September of 2009 he started a website: Monty Pelerin's World at Since its inception, he has put up almost 1,500 posts. The posts deal primarily with economics, politics and investing.

The name Monty Pelerin is a pseudonym derived from the Mont Pelerin Society founded by Friedrich Hayek after WWII. Hayek saw a need for a forum for like-minded individuals who believed in Classical Liberalism. At the time, government planning and control dominated economic and political thought. The Mont Pelerin Society was composed of friends of freedom from around the world. Ludwig von Mises and Milton Friedman were original members. More information on Mont Pelerin can be obtained from my site or the internet. He have no connection with the Society other than a coincidence of philosophy.

He uses Friedrich Hayek as an gravatar in honor of his enormous contributions to classical liberalism. A photo of Hayek is attached.

Here are the full articles published on American Thinker (

Articles By Monty Pelerin
The Coming Political Upheaval
Put Uncle Sam on an Allowance
Jekyll and Hyde Government
Why the Democratic Party Cannot Survive
Bernanke's Cowardice Has Sealed Our Fate
Red vs. Blue: Bloods vs. Crips
Obama: Not Moses, Merely Elmer Gantry
A Depression May Be Our Best Hope
Keynes as 'Useful Idiot'
The Divine Right of Government
Desperate Economic Action Ahead?
Inflation: The Last Gasp of the Obama Economic Crisis
Our Patrick Henry Moment Is Here
Repent -- The End Is Near
Worse than a Depression
The End of Democratic Socialism
Political Fatal Conceit
The Keynesian Fraud
Obama the Entrepreneurship Expert
Obama's Ides-of-March Moment is Near
The Economic Crisis Is Only a Symptom
Health Care Reform Vaporizes Obama Presidency
2010 Will Be Worse
Obama's Vote-Buying Dilemma
Why Obamanomics Will Not Improve the Economy