In this episode of what his mother calls the UK’s leading personal finance podcast, Nick:


Prattles on about his latest public speaking debacle. Reveals the dangers of “one final drink” with Irish financial advisers. Revels in the latest glowing review for the podcast. Discusses a seminal event of 22nd November 1963: the release of Phil Spector’s “A Christmas Gift For You”! Presents his firm’s Investment Intelligence Committee’s review of 2017 and market forecasts for 2018. Talks present etiquette with The Lovely Penelope (TLP) in the ever-popular “Relationship Hat-Tip” segment. Shows how love can save the day when it comes to your finances. Serenades his Dear Listener with a disturbing rendition of a Christmas classic.


Want to ruin your financial plans for 2018? Then spend too much in 2017! Don’t let the Xmas Fever drive your finances on to the rocks. Instead, give your loved ones The Priceless Gift. It costs nothing, yet is, er, priceless. Life’s too short. No regrets! No “if onlys”. Tell your loved ones you love them - and tell them NOW!




Phil Spector’s “A Christmas Gift For You”. Buy it for your loved ones - but only if you can afford to. Boyd’s Bar and Grill. Do go there - but not with light-fingered Irish financial advisers.



Any comments or feedback gratefully received. Likewise with suggestions for future shows. Get in touch with Nick on Twitter or via good old email.






[email protected]

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