With their great big eyes and sweet little bellies (that we want to drum on), children are designed to make us love them—and spend money on them! Mom and actor Christina Elmore (Insecure) joins us this week to share how her finances have changed since she had her (super cute–check out her Insta) little boy. Though not yet moms themselves, Dara and Yas reminisce about how expensive they were as kids, and how their parents got revenge by putting them in the hardest math classes.

As always, we ground things in facts by sharing the top expenses that come with children, as well as the total amount they cost per year—get ready to gasp just a little. Though the price tag of traditional parenthood briefly gets us dreaming of moving to Waco, TX, and becoming sister wives, Christina ends things on a positive note by reassuring people who want to become parents that they can do it.

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Links mentioned in this episode:

USDA: Expenditures on Children by Families, 2015USDA: The Cost of Raising a ChildChristina on Twitter