One of Google’s 10 most searched diets for 2018 was the Gundry Diet - a diet that rethinks the food pyramid. It replaces the old foundation of pasta, bread and cereal with approved fats, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables. Dr Vincent Candrawinata explains what you need to know about lectins, and gives his take on the Plant Paradox. #AskDrVincent

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One of Google’s 10 most searched diets for 2018 was the Gundry Diet - a diet that rethinks the food pyramid. It replaces the old foundation of pasta, bread and cereal with approved fats, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables. Dr Vincent Candrawinata explains what you need to know about lectins, and gives his take on the Plant Paradox. #AskDrVincent

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