Mom guilt. It seems to be one of the universal truths of being a mother. Whether we work, don’t work, spend every minute with our children or take a hands-off approach to parenting, many of us feel as though they aren’t doing a good enough job. In this episode, I’m talking with Arianna Bradford, founder of The NYAM and host of the podcast of the same name. Arianna and I have an amazing conversation about how the collision of money and motherhood contribute to mom guilt, and how respecting the differences of motherhood styles can free us from the feeling of constant judgment. We’re also talking about Arianna’s new book, Shame On You: Big Truths From a Bad Mom, which offers a candid and hilarious look into the psyche of a real mom with little ones.


About the Guest:

Arianna Bradford is the founder, lead editor, and lead writer of The Not Your Average Mom Project website and host of the podcast of the same name. Arianna started The NYAM Project as a photographical and journalistic passion project back in 2016, after getting really ticked at how terrified most parents —moms especially— seemed to be of judgement. During her time running NYAM, she saw that so many mothers were dealing with guilt, uncertainty, and a host of other things because they were uncomfortable talking about it out of fear of being the only ones. Since then, NYAM has become a cooperative blog made of submissions by many different moms, a quickly growing podcast, and a popular Instagram page.


Learn more about Arianna and The NYAM Project at:



About the Host:

Janice Scholl has spent her entire career talking about money and business. Through her time as a commercial banker, consultant and mentor to budding entrepreneurs, she helped clients create solid business and financial strategies to help propel their business to success. While working with aspiring female entrepreneurs, Janice noticed that the same four themes kept repeating:

Many women are uncomfortable with finance, both in their business and in their personal life. Women want access to more women mentors and advisors. Women often start businesses because they feel the corporate world doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Few are motivated by purely financial reasons. Mothers didn’t want money to drive their family decisions.

From these themes The Money, Career, & Motherhood Podcast was born. Now Janice spends her time helping mothers gain confidence and understanding about money, career, and business topics as they relate to motherhood and family – the way many women actually think about money. Janice loves helping mothers implement business and financial strategies within their families to help each family member thrive.

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