We all know the world of work is changing, but how do we prepare and craft a meaningful career in this world of constant change? Today’s interview with career futurist Nicolle Merrill will help you understand what employers are looking for today and empower you to build a meaningful professional path that benefits from the twists and turns of real life. In this episode, you’ll learn:

What are hybrid jobs and why are they so important in the future of work What do you do when you fall out of love with your dream job Why you should focus on curiosity instead of following your passion The pivot Nicolle herself has made in her podcast due to support those who are affected by layoffs due to COVID


About the Guest:

Nicolle Merrill is the founder of Future Skills, a training company that teaches employees and leadership how to build new skills. She’s the author of a new career book, Punch Doubt in the Face: How to Upskill, Change Careers, and Beat the Robots. In the book, she upgrades career advice for the future of work by translating the headlines about robots taking jobs into a guide to navigate the new world of work.

Nicolle excels in professional reinvention. She has written for Four Seasons and National Geographic private jet tours, taught digital communication skills to global executives, and sold adventure travel programs in New Zealand. As the former Associate Director of the Career Development office at Yale School of Management, she coached hundreds of MBA students and professionals through all phases of their career transitions.

In addition to keynote speaking and training, Nicolle currently freelances as a conversation designer and analyst at an artificial intelligence startup to keep her skills sharp. Nicolle is also the host of 50 conversations, a podcast for career changers.

Nicolle’s favorite things include pinball, rowdy card games, sci fi and speculative fiction, and lively conversations.

Keynote Speaking & Book: www.nicollemerrill.com

Corporate Training: www.upskillnow.io

Podcast: www.50conversations.com 


About the Host:

Janice Scholl has spent her entire career talking about money and business. Through her time as a commercial banker, consultant and mentor to budding entrepreneurs, she helped clients create solid business and financial strategies to help propel their business to success. While working with aspiring female entrepreneurs, Janice noticed that the same four themes kept repeating:

Many women are uncomfortable with finance, both in their business and in their personal life. Women want access to more women mentors and advisors. Women often start businesses because they feel the corporate world doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Few are motivated by purely financial reasons. Mothers didn’t want money to drive their family decisions.

From these themes The Money, Career & Motherhood Podcast was born. Now Janice spends her time helping mothers gain confidence and understanding about money, career, and business topics as they relate to motherhood and family – the way many women actually think about money. Janice loves helping mothers implement business and financial strategies within their families to help each family member thrive.

IG @moneycareermotherhood FB facebook.com/moneycareermotherhood/ Money Career & Motherhood FB Community www.facebook.com/groups/moneycareermotherhood Website www.moneycareermotherhood.com


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