Maybe you’ve wondered what an estate plan is and if you need one. Or maybe you do know what it is but think it’s just something ‘wealthy’ people do. Our guest, Crista Hermance of the Hermance Law Firm breaks it all down for us in today’s episode. From the perspective of a mother and an attorney, Crista explains to us:

Why all parents need an estate plan in place What estate planning really is How to pick guardians for your children How her law firm is doing it differently by focusing their business specifically on young families


About the Guest:

As both a mother and an attorney, Crista Hermance understands the unique legal needs of families. She knows that all parents, regardless of their net worth, need comprehensive estate planning to ensure their wishes are followed and their families are protected.

Crista has focused her California-based law practice solely on the estate planning needs of young families. She has two daughters who are five and three, and has created a practice around having a work-life balance that allowed her to be both a mom and an attorney. With a play room, kid-friendly snacks, and a diaper changing station in the restroom, she’s also used her motherhood experiences to create an office environment that is welcoming to families with children.

Crista was born and raised in Ventura, California, and lived there the majority of her life. She majored in business management at San Diego State University and soon there after started working for Citigroup in Jacksonville, FL. She worked as a project manager for Citigroup and traveled extensively throughout the world, and even relocating to the Philippines for a year. After living in the Philippines, Crista moved back to California and began her legal career.

After passing the bar and as an associate attorney Crista began focusing on estate planning, personal injury and bankruptcy cases. It was then that she realized she really enjoyed helping families with their estate planning and decided to start her own practice where she could focus solely on estate planning and ensuring that young families know how to protect their family. 

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About the Host:

Janice Scholl has spent her entire career talking about money and business. Through her time as a commercial banker, consultant and mentor to budding entrepreneurs, she helped clients create solid business and financial strategies to help propel their business to success. While working with aspiring female entrepreneurs, Janice noticed that the same four themes kept repeating:

Many women are uncomfortable with finance, both in their business and in their personal life. Women want access to more women mentors and advisors. Women often start businesses because they feel the corporate world doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Few are motivated by purely financial reasons. Mothers didn’t want money to drive their family decisions.

From these themes The Money, Career, & Motherhood Podcast was born. Now Janice spends her time helping mothers gain confidence and understanding about money, career, and business topics as they relate to motherhood and family – the way many women actually think about money. Janice loves helping mothers implement business and financial strategies within their families to help each family member thrive.

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