Gemma and Phoebe are joined by the infinity-obsessed Emmett Mathison to discuss holograms, resurrection, and the possibility that Kim Kardashian will never die.

Housewives single of the week: “Revelation” by Gretchen Rossi (Orange County)


Keeping up with the Kardashians, S20 EP4 + EP5


Jean Baudrillard Simulacra and Simulation: Ch. 11, Holograms

Alexander Bogdanov  Essays in Tektology

Mackenzie Wark  Molecular Red 

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Formation of the Noosphere

Alexander Svyatogor Biocosmist Poetics

Anastasia Gacheva Art as the Overcoming of Death: From Nikolai Federov to the Cosmists of the 1920s