Today’s podcast is a replay of a popular show we did a few months back. So if you didn’t hear it the first time, or want to hear it again, now’s your chance. Thanks for listening to Money Talks News…the podcast!

Let's start with a question: Do you have enough in your retirement account? According to a recent report from Vanguard, the average American has around $140,000 saved for retirement. For those 65 and older, that average balance is about twice that, or $280,000.

Sounds like a lot, right? But for many people, even with Social Security, it's not going to be enough.

If that's you, let's fix it. In this podcast, we help you create a plan to beef up those retirement savings.

As usual, host Stacy Johnson is joined by financial journalist Miranda Marquit. Listening in and sometimes contributing is producer Aaron Freeman. This week's guest is a friend of the show, Joe Saul-Sehy from Stacking Benjamins.

Remember, even though we sometimes talk about money and specific investments, never take them as recommendations. Before investing in anything or making any other money moves, do your own research and make your own decisions.

You can watch this episode below, or if you'd prefer to listen, you can do that with the player at the top of this article or download the episode wherever you get your podcasts:

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Don't forget to check out our podcast page for more episodes designed to help you make the most of your money and our YouTube page for more videos.

Are you ready for retirement?

The Employee Benefit Research Institute points out that 7 in 10 workers are confident they can retire comfortably. In this show, we talk about the potential disconnect between what you might think is enough and what's actually enough. Here are some articles that can help.

How Much People Have Saved for Retirement at Every Age 6 Big Obstacles to Having a Comfortable Retirement Most People Say They've Reduced or Stopped Saving for Retirement Because of Inflation 4 Generations Share the Age They Started Saving for Retirement Here's the New Magic Number for Living Comfortably in Retirement 6 Reasons Americans Are Fast-Tracking Their Retirement 9 Signs Your Retirement Is on Track Even Millionaires Share These 4 Retirement Worries 7 Reasons Americans Seniors Stay Frugal in Retirement 10 Reasons Today's Older Workers Are Delaying Retirement

How to create a retirement plan that works for you

Stacy mentions his book "[amazon url="" text="Life or Debt"][/amazon]," as a good starting point to help you figure out what you want out of life—and how to prioritize it. Joe and Miranda also have some good ideas for creating a retirement plan you'll stick with. We also mention our podcast on paying off your mortgage aggressively so you have more money available in retirement.

Let's take a look at some great Money Talks News resources about planning for retirement.

15 Tips for Those Within 10 Years of Retirement Pre-Retirement Checklist: What to Do Within 5 Years of Retiring Financial Advisers Say These Are the Top 10 Retirement Planning Mistakes Over 50? Here's How to Catch Up on Retirement Savings Health Savings Accounts and Why They Are Great for Retirement (Miranda never gets tired talking about HSAs.) Is a Bond Ladder Strategy Right for Your Retirement? 4 Things You Can Control in Retirement 13 Types of Retirement Income That Are Not Taxable 3 Things You Should Do – and Not Do – to Prepare for Your Retirement 6 Ways to Guarantee Yourself a Steady Retirement Income Sequence of Returns Risk and How to Protect Your Retirement From It

Meet this week's guest, Joe Saul-Sehy

Joe is a former financial adviser (16 years) and represented American Express and Ameriprise Financial in the media. He was the "Money Man" at Detroit television station WXYZ-TV, appearing on air twice weekly. He's appeared in Bride, Best Life, and Child magazines, and in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Detroit News and Baltimore Sun newspapers. He's also appeared online in more than 200 different places, including and

Website Stacking Benjamins Podcast Twitter Instagram LinkedIn

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About the hosts

Stacy Johnson founded Money Talks News in 1991. He's a CPA, and he has also earned licenses in stocks, commodities, options principal, mutual funds, life insurance, securities supervisor and real estate.

Miranda Marquit, MBA, is a financial expert, writer and speaker. She's been covering personal finance and investing topics for almost 20 years. When not writing and podcasting, she enjoys travel, reading and the outdoors.

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