Come join the number one retro wrestling podcast as we journey back to the Monday Night Wars and sit through each episode of WWE Raw and WCW Nitro.


Finally the day all the Monday Night Chores fans have been waiting for, Sam Wakefield is possibly gone, or is he?! Join Gaz and Dave as they get to enjoy WCW debut England's most terrifying creature, the Loch Ness Monster.  Hulk Hogan is staring down the barrel of back to back defeats, but that could never happen could it?!


On Raw Razor Ramon has shifted his attention to loving kids and saving them from homosexuals! Tatanka is in the main event for some mind boggling reason. And Diesel has an axe! And he's only gone and destroyed the Undertaker's coffin!! You don't tug on Superman's cape and you do not chop up a pretend Undertaker's casket! 


Big ups to the following for being our stand in Sam -

GG On Wrestling - @GGonwrestling

Making Kayfabe - @MakingKayfabe

Sweet Chinwag Podcast - @SweetChinwag

Al Day - @redbeardpirate1

The Year of Duke & Rogue - @YearOfPod

The Hardest Part of the Ring - @ApronBump