Welcome back to the best retro wrestling podcast, the Monday Night Chores. Watching WWF Raw and WCW Nitro from the 90's so you don't have to!

As 1996 is underway Vince McMahon gives us Jeff Jarrett looking proper 90's, Ahmed Johnson wrestling a jobber in THE worst trousers you'll ever see.  And if you're a fan of needless Shawn Michaels segments then you are in for a treat! 

Over on WCW Nitro we get a dream match between William Regal and Eddie Guerrero, Sting looking a chump and Hulk Hogan being Hulk Hogan with Macho Man, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. 

Oh, ITS AUSTIN ITS AUSTIN!! Well it is Steve Austin, but not quite the Texas Rattlesnake!!