Bert and Tracy Gervis are two successful California entrepreneurs and philanthropic superheroes who own and operate one of the nation’s fastest growing pet food companies.

Their proprietary Gentle Giants Dog and Puppy Foods is helping canines to live twice, even three times longer than average, with many dogs behaving like puppies well into their twenties.

No wonder their wholesome dog food is flying off the shelves of Walmart Supercenters and hundreds of major supermarket outlets nationwide, not to mention on and

Bert and Tracy not only don’t take a salary, since 1994, they’ve personally cared for more than 15,000 rescue dogs in their home.

If that’s not impressive enough, this week, on a special “What’s My Small Business Secret” edition of Monday Morning Radio, both Bert and Tracy reveal to host Dean Rotbart their separate background stories that make their accomplishments all the more extraordinary. 

[Spoiler Alert: If you just can’t wait to know Bert and Tracy’s secret, skip ahead in the podcast to 35 minutes and 50 seconds, and all will be revealed.]


Photo: Bert John Gervis, Jr. - Gentle Giants Dog & Puppy Foods
Posted: October 28, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 1 Hour 8 Minutes