U.S.-China trade relations has been bumped off the front pages of American newspapers lately, as the toll of COVID-19 and race-related protests take center stage.

But over the long-term, the U.S.-China trade conflict will have consequences for all American businesses – spreading from the political arena to every nook and cranny of our economy.

Two of the most astute observers of this global financial story are Bob Davis and Lingling Wei, distinguished reporters for The Wall Street Journal. Bob is a Pulitzer Prize-winning senior editor who covers economic issues from the paper’s D.C. bureau.

Lingling, who until earlier this year reported for the Journal from China, is now based in New York, where she continues to focus on the intersection of Chinese politics and the economy.

Together, Bob and Lingling have written a terrific book looking at the roots and the consequences of the U.S.-Chinese trade conflict, titled: “Superpower Showdown: How the Battle Between Trump and Xi Threatens a New Cold War.”  

Published just last week, Superpower Showdown draws on Bob and Lingling’s vast experience covering the topic – having conducted 100s of interviews with government and business officials in both the U.S. and China -- to trace how relations between the two superpowers went sour – and how the prospects for global peace and prosperity are threatened by the current stand-off.

Bob and Lingling have worked together covering U.S./China relations for more than seven years. Having the perspective of both the Americans and the Chinese make their book, Superpower Showdown, especially compelling reading.

Click here to hear a preview of Monday Morning Radio’s free, live, panel “Understanding TikTok and How It Can Turbocharge Your Sales.” Co-Hosted by Dean Rotbart and Evan Morgenstein, founder of The Digital Renegades, the panel takes place on June 18th at 11:30 am EDT. Registration is available at http://tinyurl.com/MMRTikTok.

Preview our new Monday Morning Radio community, Small Business Paramedics, featuring expert advice on how to buttress your business and reach your goals. Coming Summer 2020.

Photos: Bob Davis and Lingling Wei, Superpower Showdown
Posted: June 15, 2020
Monday Morning Run Time: 59 minutes 25 seconds