In the spirit of the 7th Annual GivingTuesday, this week’s podcast examines the growing number of small business owners who are creating 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundations to buttress their philanthropic efforts.

In the spotlight is Ryan McFarland, a sterling example of CEOs who are giving back in gratitude for their own success.

Ryan is the founder of Strider Sports International and its nonprofit sibling, the Strider Education Foundation, or SEF.

Ryan worked closely with Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart, who is a National Ambassador for the All Kids Bike® movement, to set an audacious goal: teach every child in America how to bike before they reach the first grade.

Through SEF, the All Kids Bike® movement has already donated free bikes, helmets, and training programs to 136 schools in 26 states. And the campaign is just getting pedaling.

Ryan is Dean’s guest on this week’s Monday Morning Radio, sharing the ups-and-downs of simultaneously running a for-profit and not-for-profit organization.

To learn more about All Kids Bike® and support its efforts on GivingTuesday, visit To donate now, click here.

Discover the science behind the All Kids Bike® movement by viewing the inaugural All Kids Bike® Health and Education Symposium – five panels featuring global experts on the physical, psychological, and academic benefits of early childhood biking.

Photo: Ryan McFarland (l) All Kids Bike® and Dean Rotbart, Host 
Posted: December 2, 2019
Monday Morning Run Time: 48:05