Women may be every bit as talented as men, even more talented, but they often fall behind in the business world because they haven’t mastered the rules of networking, office politics, and self promotion.

This week on Monday Morning Radio, Bonnie Marcus, founder of Women’s Success Coaching, shows women business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals how to get ahead and stay ahead in today competitive workplace.

Men will especially want to hear what Bonnie has to say.  If she’s right, your business and/or your job is on the line.

24% of Wives Earn More Than Their Husbands
40% of Mothers are the Sole or Primary Breadwinners in Their Homes
50% Increased Likelihood of Divorce When the Wife Outearns Her Husband

(Source: MarieClaire.com)


Photo: Bonnie Marcus, Women's Success Coaching
Posted: January 12, 2015
Run Time: 24 minutes, 55 seconds

Want to learn how to generate free publicity and social media "buzz" for your business?  Schedule a one-hour phone consultation with Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart: 1-303-296-1200.  Limited slots now booking for February 2015.