After technical difficulties and thunder and lightning, DOZ DOES DISNEY is bringing YOU the latest news from the House of the Mouse! The Doz is talking about the destruction of an icon on World Drive, returning entertainment acts in EPCOT JUST in time for Food & Wine Festival, Splash Mountain being in the news for the wrong reasons & more! PLUS - he asks you: is Walt Disney World losing its nostalgia for you? It's DOZ DOES DISNEY! 

Follow Landon on Twitter @Landoz and follow the show @DozDoesDisney, both on Twitter and Instagram! Follow STEPHERS on Twitter @asianzing95, @AdventuresWithStephers on Instagram, visit her website at, and subscribe to her podcast ADVENTURES WITH STEPHERS in the iTunes Store & your favorite podcast catchers! Logo by LOVE OF THE MOUSE @LOTMmultimedia on Twitter. Intro & Outro by ANAMANAGUCHI #DozDoesDisney