Ryan Carroll is the Director of Tactical and Elite Sport at Bridge Athletic where he serves as an educator, podcast host, and business development lead for the company's numerous tactical and elite sport partners. He has extensive experience in multiple areas of strength and conditioning having most recently worked with an Air Force Special Operations Unit. He has also worked in professional baseball with the Chicago White Sox and Colorado Rockies, and at the collegiate level with Loyola University Chicago and the University of Tennessee.

In this episode we talk about:

His role at Bridge Athletic.

How organisations are using data to inform decisions.

How the culture within the tactical space is changing to become more data driven.

Resources Discussed:

EXOS Education

DNS - Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Why we Sleep by Matthew Walker

The Talent War by Mike Sarraille and George Randle

Bridge Athletic

Powering Performance Podcast

You can contact Ryan directly via email at [email protected] or follow him on Instagram and Linkedin

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