With apologies for the late episode, Balloo and Darling are back this week to discuss Mr. Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, and Magmar. We dive into the uncanny valley and creep factor of clowns, discuss praying mantises as invasive urban species, Matt Groening's Netflix show Lost- but also get into some earnest discussion on Jynx's controversial design, and topics of race and equality in America writ large. Black Lives Matter, and we mince no words in this regard on these topics in light of this week's news related to the murder of Eric Garner.

There's fun and there's truth in this one galore. From the show:

Patton Oswalt, the saddest clown: https://open.spotify.com/track/5EYGlAjkttWIm5jnE0U1Cd?si=rwht0G9MQQWWErv2q_a7cg

John Mulaney on the New York Post: https://open.spotify.com/track/7f6QQQqSpzrSeCTt4zhvc1?si=6u-77MvFT66750i2kxW4og

Plus, check out the past episodes referenced in the show!