Kym Kennedy is a personal development coach and mentor with 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur. As a child who grew up as a “latch key kid” with both parents working outside of the home, Kym knew that she wanted to raise her children differently.


Soon after becoming a mom, Kym created a successful home business based on her passion for cooking. Her business gave her the best of both worlds – an opportunity to contribute to her family’s income while being present for her children.


In this episode, Kym shares her secret for success, which begins with asking these two questions:

What is it that I love? What am I good at?

Answering them in this order will ensure that you are looking into your heart and giving yourself space to connect with your passion.


You don’t need a formal education in business to be a successful entrepreneur.

Kym built her business using trial and error. She got started and figured things out as she went along. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the how-to of things, but you don’t need to know it all – you just need to have an end goal (or know what you want to achieve) and be open to learning new skills


How to remove feelings of overwhelm:

When you start thinking big, you can quickly become overwhelmed at the thought of all that you have to do in order to accomplish that big goal or dream. Instead of trying to do it all in one step, Kym suggests that you take a step back and choose one step that you can take right now that will get you closer to your goal.


How to get out of your own way and get closer to your dream:

You have to work on your mindset. When doubt or fear shows up, you have to raise your vibration. Tap into information and resources (such as books, podcasts, etc.) that remind you of your ability to create and have anything that you want. Raising your vibration will allow you to see different opportunities – doors will open up for you.


How to reconnect with your passion:

Take a moment and think back to when you were a little girl and what you dreamt about doing when you grew up. Getting reconnected with that part of you will open up your heart and help you get out of your head.


Kym’s recommended reading:

The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho

She loves this book because it’s about our hearts, our own personal legends, finding your truth and encourages readers to follow their heart and go after what they truly desire.


Kym’s Projects:

She’s currently writing her book and expanding her alchemy coaching practice to help others enter into the life coaching industry.


Kym’s Parting Words of Wisdom:

“You are perfect as you are. You have within you everything that you require to fulfill your deepest dreams. Dream big and surround yourself with people who will support you and encourage you to play the biggest game that you can play.”


Where You Can Find Kym Online:


Instagram: kymmkennedy









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