This week I had the pleasure of speaking with a woman who I admire and love, and who has coached and mentored me throughout my journey -Tracy Lee Jones. Tracy is a women’s business mentor and Founder of the Feminine Business Model. She has coached, trained and supported women in over 27 countries around the world in growing their businesses.

Tracy believes that business was meant to be fun, filled with passion, and a magical journey where you get to share your gifts, experience deep fulfillment, and help make the world a better place.

During our conversation, she opens up about the steps she took that allowed her to transition out of a high-profile corporate job into the life she dreamed of living as a full-time entrepreneur. It wasn’t until after Tracy tried many different business ventures that she discovered her true passion for helping women build thriving businesses. Tracy encourages you to be ok with where you are. As you try new things, you’ll discover hidden parts of yourself and ultimately, get in touch with your essence.

Tracy believes that your business should be an extension of who you are. Before you can build your business, you have to know who you are and what’s important to you as a person. As you become more connected with your essence, you’ll be able to build a brand that allows you to be who you are, freely allowing your personality, values, and goals to reflect in your business.

Challenge: Figure out what it is that is going to have you light up like a Christmas tree, where your passion, energy, and enthusiasm rubs off onto other people. *Note: That is what you need to pursue.

Tracy reminds you to have a clear picture of who you want to work with and why. When you’re getting started in your new business, you may not be at liberty to turn clients away. But as you gain more experience, you’ll land in your “sweet spot” and know who is and who is not your dream client.

Tracy’s tip to help you launch your side business:

The biggest mistake that people make when starting out is spending tons of money and time working behind the scenes to create a product only to be disappointed when nobody buys. It’s best that you don’t wait and get your idea in front of real people. If you have an idea, test it out with some of your friends, or a small group of 3-4 people. Ask for honest feedback and use that feedback to improve your product before your launch.

Tracy recommends that you read The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks. This book has been recommended before on the podcast because it’s such a great read. Hendricks teaches you how to break through your upper limits and achieve the success you desire most in your life.

What Tracy’s Working on Now:

She’s focused on helping female entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level. During this episode, Tracy shared a special gift. She’s offering a 1-hour complimentary vision plan session (valued at $500) where she’ll help you figure out the next steps for your business. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, you can take advantage of this special offer by visiting and Jennie, Tracy’s assistant, will schedule your session for you.

Tracy’s Words of Wisdom for You:

“You don’t have to wait until your life is perfect to start enjoying it. Be appreciative and have gratitude for what you created right now. You can do small things to create your dream life right now. Everything that you’ve experienced in your life has led you to this moment and the possibility of your vision.”

 You can find Tracy in the social media realm at:

@Tracyleejones (on Twitter and Instagram)

Visit her website at